
4 Points

Complete prescription is written

Prescription shares 4 or more suggestions for Pauly to feel better

Suggestions to Pauly reflect facts about penguins

Prescription uses topic sentence and conclusion sentence

Sentences are complete

Spelling is correct

All sentences begin with a capital and end with a period

3 Points

Prescription includes 3 suggestions for Pauly to feel better

Suggestions to Pauly reflect facts about penguins

Has topic sentence or conclusion sentence but not both

Most sentences are complete

Most spelling is correct

Most sentences begin with a capital and end with a period
2 Points

Prescription includes 2 suggestions for Pauly to feel better

Suggestions to Pauly reflect facts about penguins

Does not have topic sentence or conclusion sentence

Only some sentences are complete

Only some spelling is correct

Some sentences begin with a capital and end with a period

1 Point

Prescription includes 1 suggestion for Pauly to feel better

Suggestion to Pauly reflects facts about penguins

Sentences are not complete

Many misspelled words

Sentences do not begin with capitals or end with periods

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© Donna Bronzan 2002