Mountain View Kids' 

Penguin Quest


You have met Pauley Penguin and have heard his story . . . poor Pauley.  He needs to feel better, fast!  Your mission is to help him.  Your task is to find out as much as you can about penguins and write Pauley a prescription that will put him on the road to feeling good again.


Your Task:

You will work in groups to look for as much information as you can about penguins.  Your group will record all the information you find on your Penguin Fact Worksheets.  When you have gathered all the information, your group will write a prescription for Pauley -- tell him what you think he needs to do to feel well and healthy and happy. 



1.  Print the worksheet or get a copy from your teacher.

2.  Use the resources to answer the questions. (These internet resources are great!  But remember, the books and videos and tapes in the classroom are also resources!)

3.  Use the information you find to make a fact web about penguins.

4.  Use the information you find about penguins to write a prescription for Pauley.

5.  Use the rubric to evaluate your prescription.

6.  Revise and edit your prescription.

7.  Use the DreamWriters to write a final copy of the prescription, save to the computer, and print.



How will you know when you have finished the task?  Use the rubric to evaluate your work.



Visalia is a wonderful place to live . . . but is it wonderful for penguins?  What would you say to someone in Visalia who wanted to have a penguin for a pet?

You have learned a lot about penguins and Pauley is very grateful!  If you want to learn more about penguins or visit some other penguin sites, here are some for you to enjoy:



Just for Fun:



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© Donna Bronzan 2002